Our Community with
The Love For Gardening
Our Mission.
Our mission is to bring natural beauty to the community along with nurturing a sense of responsibility for the environment. The club’s ongoing civic projects enhance the public spaces of Pembroke. Our programs aim to help educate members and guests in gardening and related topics.
The Mattakeesett Garden Club of Pembroke was founded in 1997 and became a member of the South Shore District of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. in 1998. The club is a member of the New England Region of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Marshfield Fair 2024
Bench in a Shade Garden
Marshfield Fair 2023 Garden of Eden
Starting 2015, the club has been participating in the themed horticultural competitions sponsored by the Fair. This is a summer activity that benefits both club members and supports the agricultural theme of the fair.
Marshfield Fair 2019
Marshfield Fair 2018
Marshfield Fair 2022